Since the downturn has started there are some of the questions which have gained popularity with all the business news papers and news channels , interesting fact is no one seems to know answer to these questions yet these reporters keep asking same thing to almost any one and every one they meet
What kind of recovery we would see? : Now we all know there are various kind of recovery , W, V ,U shape etc but how can one predict recovery from a recession which is not yet near to completion , anyways how does it matter to business and common man as what sort of recovery it will be . It sounds important only to great economist and academicians who are good only in postmortems and never in predictions.
How should industry leaders respond to this down turn ? : after reading couple of answers on this I am myself now expert to give an answer , tow things 1) Innovation 2) Cost optimization . These two are the buzz words and now even in normal times innovation is very difficult for an industry where thousands of players selling same thing so the easiest resort to the industry is cost optimization which means cutting on head count . I have till now not seen a different answer to this question and hence stopped reading at the point where this arrives , whether its been asked to some business guru or minister , I have yet to see some innovation in their answers.
What is your focus market ? : Dare any one answer this beyond India and China , people will think he is illiterate and have not even attended pre school education, even kids know that these countries are focus market from super cars to match boxes , whats the point in reading a whole paragraph just to get the same conclusion
Do you see these green shots as a sign of recovery ? : This is a binary question and half of junta replies in 1 and other half replies in 0 so you are left confused whether there are any green shots , whether there are any recovery ? no matter how logical answer to this question is , it will not satisfy your quest of knowing whether recovery is happening or not because you yourself keep looking at so many contradictory examples around.
ha ha ha
v true
1 sign of recovery/ greenshot:
if we shift our jobs :)
he he thats the best answer one can get for this question
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