Wednesday, March 16, 2011


One should abondon yesterdays bread winner before one really wants to let alone before one has to. - Drucker

Drucker quoted it so strongly decades back and it seems to be true irrespective of time and context , organizations and individuals need to come out of their comfort zone a little earlier and start looking out for next big thing , the problem is if they dont do that willingly at early stage then after some time they will be forced by changing business environment to abondon exiting belief and adopt new and then they will have little or no time to react , infact entire approch will be reactive and no space for creatvity and pilot runs.

Abandon the way you work : In todays dynamic (yet vibrant) business environment , organizations need to ask continously what will be the next way of working . They can not keep working on same set of business processes because technology is injecting changes into processes every now and then and significant number of disruptive ones.

We need to constantly think about new way of working and abondon old ones. for example Even before there is need or question of cost advantage we need to evaluate cloud computing.
In fact in my opinion Abandoning itself may not be as beneficial as the process of thinking in this direction which will help you visulaize new and improved ways of doing things.